We decided to do some after-Christmas shopping at the Mall of America, so we thought Lilly might have a good time at Nickelodeon Universe on the rides. She seemed a bit apprehensive, but once she learned that she'd be riding Blue with daddy and saw all her favorite characters, she was excited. It was pretty sweet to watch :)
Christmas is here and boy did we have fun! Lilly had a good time, especially this year, because she was better able to understand opening presents. She was also able to spend some time with Auntie Mary and Sean, who came from Atlanta to visit.
We woke up to some fresh snow the other day so we decided to go play! This was Lilly's first time in the snow this season and boy did she have fun! She was a little shocked when we threw some snow in her face, but quickly got over it when she discovered she could throw it at mom and dad :) She helped daddy shovel the driveway and seemed to like sweeping it as well. She also attempted some snow angels, but I think they turned out more like snow blobs. You can imagine how hard it was to get her inside when, after an hour, we got too cold!
After we got the tree home, we decorated it and the house for Christmas. Drew and I quickly realized that we were both allergic to the tree when we got poked with the needles, so we decided to wear gloves :) Lilly is enjoying touching all the ornaments and telling us what each one of them is. She calls it the "kissmiss tree."
This was our 2nd year of cutting down our own tree and we had fun! Since we forgot our camera last year, we were excited to take a lot of pictures, as you can see :) Lilly really enjoyed running around all the trees and seemed to get pretty involved with the twine that was to secure our tree to the car?!?